CBD For Menstrual Pain Relief

Does CBD Oil Help with Menstrual Pain Relief?

Are periods fun? No, not at all. Instead, they are one of the more difficult things in a woman’s life.

Women also tend to face other problems during their periods, like breast tenderness, joint pain, acne, cramps, and more.

Before you know it, it’s again the time to curl over the bed or distract yourself with boring movies and TV shows.

It’s possible this monthly ritual can derail your daily life. You may have tried everything from herbal baths to birth control and pain killers.

You may be looking for a better natural or long-term option. Scientists have come up with a secret alternative to opioids–it’s CBD oil.

Presently the use of CBD essential oil is considered the trend to get rid of chronic pain.

It contains more than 113 cannabinoids, excluding THC.

So CBD won’t get you high. Let’s get started with the benefits of CBD oil for period pain relief.

What Is Period Pain

It’s no secret that menstrual cramps are debilitating for 10% of the people who experience periods.

They may go through severe lower abdominal pain before and during this monthly ritual.

The severity varies from person to person. Some people can’t even continue their daily tasks.

Cramps commonly occur due to uterine contraction.

Prostaglandin allows the uterus to contract and produces the associated pain and inflammation.

However, the increased level of prostaglandin can cause even more severe pain.

In the past, ladies used to take over-the-counter painkillers or prescribed NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) to alleviate pain severity.

But each pill class contains certain side effects such as heart problems, serious stomach issues, nausea, vomiting, bloating, etc.

Birth control pills are also linked with the severe risk of liver tumors, blood clots, cancer, and hypercholesterolemia.

They may also be associated with weight gain, mood disorders, and darkening of the skin.

CBD Oil For Period Pain

Inflammation is very common with reproductive health issues, but CBD exhibits anti-inflammatory properties.

It is particularly beneficial to overcome this type of inflammation.

Cannabidiol acts on the endocannabinoid system, which contains a network of receptors.

Such receptors and chemical messengers regulate homeostasis in the body.

Researchers suggest that hormonal imbalance adversely affects the endocannabinoid system and induces inflammation.

Here CBD decreases the production of endocannabinoids and stimulates the cannabinoid receptors, which alleviates pain and improves mood.

For the ladies suffering from their period woes, CBD is the natural solution.

How CBD Oil Can Help With Period Pain

Various unpleasant symptoms come with the menstrual cycle.

Some of the most irritating ones are bloating and cramps, which occur due to uterus contraction.

CBD oil doesn’t prevent the uterus’ contraction, but it alleviates inflammation, combats nausea, and enhances digestion, which keeps you from cramping as much.

Let’s check out some of the positive CBD effects on managing menstrual symptoms.

CBD Alleviates Tenderness

You have probably experienced severe backache during your periods.

Well, to alleviate this symptom, you only have to massage the CBD essential oil in your stomach, chest, and back and you will notice the magic relief begin.

This is because Cannabis oil directly affects the pain receptors.

CBD Reduces Inflammation

According to different research, CBD interacts with neurotransmitters and combats inflammation.

Dopamine, a common neurotransmitter, is produced due to endocannabinoid receptors’ activity and is triggered by CBD oil.

CBD Reduces Digestion Issues

During menstruation, lower back pain and abdominal cramping are also common.

Luckily, this cannabinoid interacts with cannabinoid receptors and helps you to ease bloating or cramping.

CBD Relaxes Muscles And Vessels

Menstrual pains heighten due to the smooth muscle contraction in the uterus.

CBD targets the receptors located within the muscles and relaxes them.

Moreover, these muscles are embedded with the blood vessels, and Cannabidiol can dilate the vessels, improve the blood flow, and enhance the oxygen supply to minimize the painful cramps.

What To Consider When Buying CBD Products For Cramps

The CBD market has exploded since the legalization of hemp production in the US.

Now CBD is readily available in the market.

However, the FDA has not approved its use, so it’s difficult to choose high-quality CBD oil or other edibles from the pharmacy.

Here are some ways that may assist you in picking up a safe and effective product.

Buy the product that has been tested by third-party labs.

Highly reliable CBD manufacturers will upload the result of the test on their website, so you can determine if the product is safe or not.

Buy the CBD product obtained from hemp cultivated in Europe or America.

In the United States, growth is highly regulated according to specific terms and conditions, and the cultivators ensure that the CBD sold contains no more than 0.3% of THC.

Thoroughly read the ingredient list because most CBD products are rich in additives like flavorings, oils, etc., which negatively impacts the CBD products’ quality.


Other Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Menstrual Cramps

Apply Heat

Applying heat to the site of the pain may seem an obsolete method of treatment, but it can produce much huge relief.

Heat improves the blood flow, relaxes the muscles, and desensitizes the pain receptors at the site.

Take Fish Oil

Daily intake of fish oil may decrease your reliance on NSAIDs.

The prostaglandins are made up of omega fatty acids, so a diet containing a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids prevents the production of inflammatory prostaglandins.

Final Thoughts

Your menstrual cycle can be affecting your daily routine and making it difficult for you to perform the rituals you love.

Although CBD oil can’t permanently stop your period, it can help deal with cramping and pain.

It can also alleviate the tenderness and inflammation, which can help you to deal with period pain.

Are you interested in exploring more about the healing properties of CBD essential oil? Check out our Blog.

NEXT CBD to Lower the Blood Pressure

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  Why does CBD help with period pain?
A:  Period pain comes from inflammation and CBD is a natural anti-inflammatory.

Q:  Does CBD oil help with all period symptoms?
A:  CBD does help to alleviate most symptoms.  Everything from those dreaded cramps, to swelling, tenderness, nausea, and more.

Q:  Do methods like heat and fish oil really work?
A:  Although these natural remedies effectively combat menstrual cramps, CBD’s effects of mitigating pain are above all.

Legal And Medical Disclaimer

Information provided on the site is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice.

You must consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if seeking advice related to diagnoses or treatment of any medical condition.

Additionally, you must consult your local and federal laws regarding the legality of buying both CBD and THC products.

We do not provide any legal advice.

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