Does CBD E-Liquid Get You High?

Does CBD E-Liquid Get You High?

Does CBD E-Liquid Get You High

Does CBD E-Liquid Get You High?

What Exactly Is CBD?

There is quite a lot of buzz around CBD lately and many people you know may be carrying around a vape or an E-Cigarette.

These are widely seen and accepted nowadays.

But they’re not just a trendy toy, they can be very useful when used right.

We want to find the answer whether does CBD E-Liquid get you high?

The good news is that most are trending toward using healthier options in these vapes and E-Cigarettes.

One of those options is now CBD.

Yes, you heard it here, many are starting to ditch nicotine-filled E-Liquid in favor of its more natural counterpart, CBD-filled E-Liquid

Surely you have questions about how and why.

So here, we will go over some things you may need to know about CBD and CBD E-Liquid before you hop on the bandwagon and make your first purchase.

Cannabidiol is a chemical compound that is found within the cannabis plant.

It is one of the two most prevalent cannabinoids, with the other being tetrahydrocannabinol.

This is also called THC. Unlike this other cannabinoid THC, CBD doesn’t possess any psychoactive properties.

Because of this, you won’t feel intoxicated or “high” after using CBD products.

CBD legally contains no more than 0.3% THC, which means it will also never show up on a drug test.

This is why buying from a reputable source is incredibly important.

CBD In Many Forms, From Edibles To E-Liquid

CBD comes in many different forms.

It can be found as an oil, which is the most popular option by far.

You may see it in edible forms, like cookies or brownies.

It can also be found in forms such as balms and lotions, pills and capsules and gummies, and more. 

And then there is CBD E-Liquid.

When using CBD E-Liquid, you receive a quick dose and it has the potential for almost immediate relief.

This is why it is such a popular method of delivery.

It is likely the quickest and most effective use of CBD.

How To Use CBD Products And E-Liquid

Dosage will always vary, person to person, and it’s based on a few different factors.

These factors will be things like age, weight, the purpose for use (aches and pains, anxiety relief, as a sleep aid, for nausea), etc.

Delivery method is also a big factor in how much CBD you may need and how often you may need it.

This also affects how quickly it provides relief for you.

cbd oil and leaf taken in dark setting

What Is In CBD E-Liquid?

CBD E-Liquid is made up of ingredients and compounds that are very similar to what makes up the traditional E-Liquid in an E-Cigarette.

The main difference is that you’re seeing CBD as the main ingredient instead of nicotine.

Usually, E Liquids contain propylene glycol, or PG for short, which is odorless and colorless.

It assists mainly with flavor distribution throughout the E-Liquid.

It also contains vegetable glycerin, or VG for short, which is pretty similar to plant oil.

This helps to produce those thick vapor clouds you’re used to seeing.

It’s important to note that ratios of these ingredients may change based on the formula or manufacturer.

Additionally, checking the ingredients can mean not purchasing products with solvents or other harmful additives.

If you’re unsure, you can even look for up-to-date lab tests to ensure that the THC and CBD levels are exactly the same as being advertised.

Because of its current popularity, CBD E-Liquid comes in a variety of flavors and many different strengths.

This makes it incredibly easy to choose the perfect combo for your exact needs.

Vaping With CBD E-Liquid

In order to use CBD E-Liquid, you will first need to choose your vape kit.

If you’re new to this, choosing a basic or standard kit will be your best bet.

Once you’ve secured your kit, you then choose your E-Liquid.

After choosing your E-Liquid, you’ll put the two together.

Once together, you will inhale the vapor, hold it in your mouth for a few seconds and release it.

Make sure you are breathing it in while opening your mouth, not “swallowing.”

How Old Should You Be To Buy A Vape?

The minimum age in most states to legally purchase a vaping kit or E-Liquid is eighteen.

It can be twenty-one in some states, though.

It’s illegal to purchase either for a minor. 

Be sure to check your local laws and legislation before purchasing or advising another to purchase.

two CBD liquids

So, Does CBD E-Liquid Get You High?

In summary, no. CBD E-Liquid cannot get you high. 

CBD E-Liquid is produced with the same standards, rules, and regulations as any other CBD product you’ll see on the market today.

Because of these strict guidelines, CBD does not have enough THC in it to produce any type of high feeling.

Since vaping CBD E-Liquid is purely used for alleviation of pain and relaxation purposes, you are safe to use it without the fear of encountering any of the psychoactive properties you’d find in traditional Marijuana. 

Final Thoughts About Using CBD E-Liquid

Since we are not medical doctors, it’s important to always check with your physician before incorporating any new vitamins, supplements, or practices into your daily routine.

Taking your history and anything you currently take into consideration is always a smart first step when beginning a new practice.

We do want to point out that if CBD products and CBD E-Liquid are being used in excess, you may see reactions or symptoms like diarrhea, mild nausea, dizziness, excessive fatigue, and dry mouth.

This is why it’s important to always read and follow the recommended dosages on the packaging.

But, when used correctly and responsibly, CBD products and CBD E-Liquid especially, can provide nearly instant relief for you.

Whether you are looking for pain relief or a relaxation aid, this may be exactly what you’ve been looking for.



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Legal and Medical Disclaimer

Information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice.

You MUST consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.

Additionally, you must consult your local and federal laws regarding the legality of buying CBD and THC products.

We do not provide any legal advise.

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