CBD Fragrance Oil for Candles

CBD Fragrance Oil for Candles

CBD Fragrance Oil for Candles

CBD Fragrance Oil for Candles

It seems like CBD is speedily becoming a part of everything and anything.

People are putting it in creams, dog treats, bath oils, and even most recently, candles.

CBD comes in several dosage forms that can be induced into our everyday routine and activities.

CBD gummies and edibles have become an essential part of the diet and certain food products. 

Topical CBD is an active ingredient in skincare products and therapies.

One CBD form which is making the most waves globally due to its versatility, accessibility, and ease of use is CBD oil.

These oils come in water-soluble and fat-soluble forms, making them dissolvable in several solvents, making them an essential ingredient in industries and our homes.

One recent development with this form is the CBD fragrance oil for candles which is here to change scented candles as we know it!

CBD-infused candles keep snowballing their way into popularity, and here is a chance to catch on to the train.

What is the difference between a conventional scented candle and a CBD-infused scented candle?

Does it have any side effects when overexposed to the CBD fragrance that comes from the candle?

Are CBD-infused scented candles for me?

Here is the thing; in past years, we have looked into the many benefits of CBD oil and a lot of times have highlighted why it just might not be for you.

However, the CBD product industry is making progress in CBD dosage form development and their inclusion in other products so anyone and everyone can benefit from the benefits of CBD.

Here is all you need to know about the recent development that is CBD fragrance oil for candles

What is CBD Fragrance Oil?

CBD’s growing impact in every product category is one to be mentioned, and the fragrance industry is certainly not left out. 

Several people will expect CBD products to have a hemp-like or marijuana-like scent which is understandable.

The standard CBD oil does not have a distinct odor of its own.

It has an odor, of course, but not a distinct one. 

So, where does CBD fragrance oil come to play?

It’s from specially formulated CBD oil to give precise, pleasant scents.

CBD fragrance oil for candles

How is CBD Fragrance Oil made?

The United States CBD sales market is estimated to hit $20B by 2024.

With this in mind, companies and industries invest strategically into creating new outbursts of CBD products that would skyrocket into a new trend. 

Most of these products involve a specially formulated version of a product we are already used to and infusing it with CBD oil to bring an even better product that gives even better results.

All in all, a better version of its previous product form.

One of these is CBD-infused fragrance oil.

Fragrance oils have been around as long as ancient medicines.

They are created from natural and essential oils, combined and filtered to give off specific pleasant scents. 

In some cases, fragrance oils are formulated to imitate the scent of natural things like fruit, flower scents, and even wood.

These oils have contributed to the pleasant scent of most skincare products, air fresheners, soaps, and perfumes.

Since CBD oils do not have a distinct scent of their own, brands combine CBD oil with certain essential oils, natural oils, and substances to create a unique new scented product: CBD fragrance oil. 

CBD oil is combined with earthly, fruity, woody, and other sensational natural scents to give a fragrance oil that has the pleasing appeal of the conventional fragrance oil but with the added benefits that come with the use of CBD.

CBD Infused Candles Vs. Regular Scented Candles

Scented candles make up the foundation of Aromatherapy.

These candles have a calm, relaxing effect on the body, soul, and mind. 

Scented candles have become a part of our everyday lives, and some people have even included them in their weekend home spa routine.

Taking a bath, shower, reading your favorite book, or spending time with your favorite person with the scent of sweet-smelling, mind-lifting, heartwarming candles are known to have a strong effect on the mind and wellbeing of people.

Scented candles also have health benefits, and these benefits are being explored to give the best use to these candle aromatics.

Aromatherapy is an example of the many applications of scented candles that have utilized the health benefits of these candles

Scented candle companies have spent many years using natural scents to create a new unique variant that has an even better effect.

Different types of scented candles have found their way into the hearts of many, with the most recent being the CBD-infused scented candles.

CBD oil fragrance for candles

CBD Fragrance Oil for Candles

Candles infused with CBD fragrance oil are what we call CBD-infused candles.

This means they are made with not just any CBD oil but CBD oil with fragrance.

CBD fragrance oils are a fusion of cannabis oils and added terpenes from other plants.

CBD, an extract of the cannabis plant, is used for its therapeutic and health benefits and because of the amount of THC it contains.

THC is the component of the cannabis plant that is responsible for the high, intoxication feeling that accompanies the intake of cannabis. 

On the other hand, CBD contains less than 0.3% of THC, which means it does not come with an intoxicating feeling, making it safe as an essential ingredient in many products, including scented candles.

A CBD-infused scented candle does not have any serious or detrimental psychoactive effect on the body.

CBD fragrance oil comes with the natural scent of the cannabis plants, the added scent from terpenes of other natural scents, and the healing/therapeutic benefits of the cannabis plant.

These oils are put together to make the active ingredient that makes up the cannabis-scented candles.

Is CBD Infused Scented Candle Better?

Nowadays, regular scented candles are infused with essential oils that are beneficial to health when lighted.

They seem to have mild healing properties, though not as a stand-alone but combined with other healing procedures.

CBD-infused scented candles are more a less a better version of the conventional scented candles.

This is because CBD is an active ingredient in many treatment processes like anxiety, pain, and even cancer.

Combined with the essential oils in the conventional scented candles, they have a heightened effect, giving a better overall experience.

Shop CBD Candles Here


Scented candles are most associated with mood and relaxation, which are the key therapeutic benefits of CBD.

With a CBD-infused scented candle, you exactly get what you do get from your everyday scented candles with added benefits. 

Reduced anxiety, sleep disorders, blood pressure, and better energy are proven effects from a 2017 study on candles infused with CBD fragrance oils.


  1. https://www.healthline.com/health/are-candles-bad-for-you
  2. https://www.candlescience.com/fragrance/hemp-fragrance-oil/
  3. https://www.housebeautiful.com/shopping/home-accessories/a29009920/yield-cbd-oil-candles/
  4. https://cbdoracle.com/cbd/cbd-candles/
  5. https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/essential-oils/cannabis-essential-oil.html
  6. https://www.thebluntness.com/posts/cannabis-candles
  7. https://www.saveonscents.com/product_info.php?products_id=204085
  8. https://www.mysticmomentsuk.com/products/cannabis-fragrance-oil
  9. https://www.flavorchem.com/trends/how-cbd-is-impacting-fragrance-and-every-product-category/
  10. https://www.forbes.com/sites/irisdorbian/2019/05/20/cbd-market-could-reach-20-billion-by-2024-says-new-study/?sh=6f09830449d0
  11. https://www.healthline.com/health/what-is-aromatherapy#TOC_TITLE_HDR_1 
  12. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5822802/

NEXT CBD Massage Candle Recipe

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Information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice.

You MUST consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.

Additionally, you must consult your local and federal laws regarding the legality of buying CBD and THC products.

We do not provide any legal advise.

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