CBD and L theanine Together

CBD and L theanine Together

CBD and L theanine Together

CBD and L theanine Together: How Do They Work Together?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most popular dietary products on the market right now.

It’s praised for its capacity to maintain metabolic, immunological, and neurological homeostasis.

An imbalance of one or more organ systems might cause negative health consequences.

As a result, CBD is thought to have various health benefits throughout the body.

Although CBD has numerous applications, it can be enhanced with other synergistic nutritional and herbal supplements.

This article will discuss the benefits of CBD and L theanine together.

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What is L Theanine?

L-theanine is an amino acid that is found in black and green teas and fungus. It has been discovered that it promotes relaxation without causing drowsiness.

L-theanine has been demonstrated to offer some intriguing benefits in recent current investigations. It’s also regarded as the source of many health benefits tea drinkers enjoy.

Benefits of L theanine

Following are some benefits of L theanine.

  1. L-theanine may make it easier for people to sleep. L-theanine has been shown in several trials to help people relax before night, fall asleep more easily, and sleep more profoundly. These advantages could be due to the amino acid’s unique effects on brain chemicals involved in sleep.
  2. To relax, many people sip a cup of tea or another hot beverage. According to studies, the amino acid L-theanine found in green or black tea can help people relax by lowering their resting heart rate.
  3. You often replace a snack with green tea or another low-calorie hot beverage as part of a calorie-controlled diet to promote weight loss. Green tea contains L-theanine, which gives it a savory flavor known as umami. Umami tastes, according to research, may aid with weight loss by reducing appetite.
  4. L-theanine may aid in the body’s recovery from disease. Taking L-theanine has been shown in several studies to improve a person’s immune system, making them less susceptible to common colds and flu. Its anti-inflammatory properties may also aid in the treatment of sickness.

Benefits of CBD Oil

  1. CBD may be able to assist you in overcoming anxiety. According to researchers, it may alter how your brain’s receptors respond to serotonin, a neurotransmitter connected to mental wellness. Receptors are tiny proteins connected to the surface of your cells that receive chemical messages and help your cells respond to various stimuli.
  2. CBD oil’s activities on brain receptors may be useful in treating pain. In research, cannabis has been shown to have some benefits when consumed after chemotherapy treatments.
  3. The effects of CBD on immune system receptors may help to reduce overall inflammation in the body. As a result, CBD oil could be useful in treating acne.

L Theanine with CBD Oil

Can you take L-theanine with CBD oil? The answer is simple: Yes!

The combination of L-Theanine and CBD is extremely effective for anxiety and stress alleviation.

CBD’s anti-anxiety benefits are well-known.

L-Theanine enhances the relaxing and calming benefits of CBD, making you feel more at ease and less anxious.

Both of these molecules work together to alleviate the effects that CBD is known for.

The combination of L-Theanine and CBD makes you feel more relaxed and focused.

CBD has extremely minimal adverse effects, as you’ve noticed.

It’s unlikely that you’ll suffer any negative effects even if you’ve consumed significant doses of CBD.

Theanine, on the other hand, isn’t quite as benign.

Diarrhea, dizziness, and headache are some of the mild side effects you should be aware of.

How L Theanine and CBD Work Together?

CBD has been shown to help people cope with stress and anxiety.

CBD activates the parasympathetic nervous system while dampening the sympathetic nervous system.

The sympathetic nervous system triggers our fight or flight reaction.

On the other hand, the parasympathetic nervous system is triggered after a stressful encounter to create calm and reduce stress levels.

CBD is supposed to improve the parasympathetic nervous system by increasing the action of the GABA neurotransmitter, guiding us towards calmer seas.

Because L-theanine does not make you sleepy, mixing it with CBD gives you a double dosage of ‘calm’ without the grogginess.

CBD Products to Use with L theanine

1. Ananda Hemp Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Ananda Full Spectrum 600 Hemp Oil Tincture contains 600 mg of active cannabinoids in each container.

Ananda Hemp is delighted to offer pesticide-free, farm-to-table hemp products directly from Kentucky growers.

According to the brand, Hemp production is an art, and it adheres to the best procedures.

The ingredients in this product, such as MCT oil and natural terpenes, are very beneficial to use for various purposes such as stress and anxiety.

You can use it with L Theanine to enhance and complement each other’s effects.

This CBD product is good to mix with L theanine and other supplements.

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2. Koi Naturals Full Spectrum CBD Oil

The CBD, CBDV, and CBG in Koi Naturals Full Spectrum CBD Oil Natural 30ml immediately relieve stress and anxiety.

The bare essentials collection from Koi CBD is all-natural and free of needless fillers and artificial flavorings.

Koi PRIZM Proprietary Full Spectrum Blend, coconut oil, and natural flavor extracts are used in Koi Naturals Full Spectrum CBD oil.

Its natural ingredients make it a perfect option to mix it up with L theanine and then use the mixture to get instant relief from stress and anxiety as they both enhance and complement each other’s effects.

This oil is meant to be taken sublingually or mixed into food and beverages.

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CBD is thought to balance the body’s endocannabinoid system, allowing it to naturally manage stressors such as anxiety, insomnia, and physical discomfort.

While L-theanine helps with mental focus, CBD helps relax the mind and body, offering you the best of both worlds.

As a result, L-theanine and CBD appear to be a good match for greater clarity and calm.

We always suggest taking them to your doctor before trying these supplements because the research on these supplements is taking at a snail pace, and in-depth research is required to know for which people it is suitable.

Your doctor can better guide you to take these supplements or not, depending on your health conditions.


  1. https://www.cbdelement.co.uk/learn/cbd-deep-dive/cbd-and-l-theanine
  2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/314109989_The_Direct_Actions_of_Cannabidiol_and_2-Arachidonoyl_Glycerol_at_GABAA_Receptors
  3. https://focl.com/blogs/learn/interactions-of-cbd-with-other-supplements


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Information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice.

You MUST consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.

Additionally, you must consult your local and federal laws regarding the legality of buying CBD and THC products.

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