Will Hemp Oil Make You Sleepy?

Will Hemp Oil Make You Sleepy

Will Hemp Oil Make You Sleepy

Will Hemp Oil Make You Sleepy? Let’s Find Out.

Hemp oil is becoming popular now because of its ability and potential to treat different health conditions.

There is, unfortunately, a lack of evidence to support the fact that hemp has the potential to treat many different conditions.

If these claims turn out to be true, then hemp is more than a miracle because who doesn’t want to treat their health conditions all naturally without consuming heavy doses of drugs.

One of the benefits of hemp is that hemp can make you feel sleepy and dizzy;

It can help people fight off insomnia but is a concern for people who have to work and can’t afford to be dizzy.

There is a popular question among people Will hemp oil make you sleepy? Can hemp oil make you tired?

Let’s Find out.

What is Hemp?

Hemp is, like other cannabinoids, derived from cannabis plants but there used to be a common myth that hemp is associated with a high is it contains THC.

The substances are associated with a high but as the popularity of hemp in treating different conditions increases.

We know that hemp only contains 0.3 % THC which is too low to create a high.

Hemp can be used as a powerful food source as it contains high protein and low fat.

People suffering from health conditions such as diabetes and heart diseases to help treat them can use it.

Many people who have insomnia suggest that it can also help you to fall asleep.

Does Hemp Cause Dizziness?

Will Hemp Oil Make You Sleepy

Hemp is known to cause sleepiness in many people.

Still, from our perspective, hemp is biphasic means it can cause both sleepiness and alertness depending upon the concentration of hemp taken.

When hemp is taken in small quantities, it can cause your brain to be active, and when the hemp is taken in large quantities, it can cause sleepiness, but there is a lack of evidence because hemp requires a lot of research to withstand the claims of people.

How Hemp Promotes Sleep?

As we know, insomnia causes you to stay awake all night and feel restless during the day while performing important activities.

It is the law of nature that night is made to sleep and day is made to perform the hectic duties, and energy is required for this, obtained by good sleep.

When we don’t get good sleep, then our mind isn’t active, and we fail and get stressed easily, which further increases our anxiety.

This cycle is repeated, and a vicious cycle is formed at a point.

To break it, our brains must re-calibrate their reaction to stressful experiences.

Hemp oil may assist the brain do this by raising serotonin levels and reducing cortisol levels.

Serotonin regulates the human sleep-wake cycle, whereas cortisol levels are linked to stress.

Increasing serotonin production while decreasing cortisol can help our brains regain equilibrium and sleep cycles.

Hemp oil may aid in the restoration of your circadian rhythm.

The circadian rhythm is the internal clock that regulates how much we sleep at night and how much we stay up throughout the day.

Any disturbances, such as if our employment forces us to move our sleep cycle between night and day, can cause exhaustion, a loss of mental clarity, discomfort, and anger.

Sleep deprivation can also lead to major health issues like heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer.

Fortunately, numerous natural alternatives to relieve stress and relaxation, including Hemp Oil.

Because of its interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system, hemp oil may help us reset our circadian rhythm (ECS).

How does hemp works in Our Body?

As we all know, hemp contains CBD, which interacts without ECS and ECS maintains homeostasis in our body.

ECS maintains a variety of systems in our body, such as temperature, pain, anxiety, stress, and sleep is one of them.

To accomplish all of this, our ECS employs two human cannabinoids and their respective receptors, which interpret the ECS message and trigger the appropriate physiological functions.

When anything is out of balance in our bodies, our ECS releases cannabinoids to inform us.

For example, when your body requires water, the ECS converts this requirement into a sensation of thirst.

Cannabinoids attach to their receptors, activating our neurotransmitters and alerting us to a problem.

Even though CBD is derived from hemp, it is remarkably similar to 2-AG, one of the two human cannabinoids.

This cannabinoid’s receptors are located throughout the body, but especially in the stomach, immune system, and, to a lesser extent, the brain.

Because our ECS is in charge of our sleep habits, research shows that Hemp Oil may have the capacity to influence how our brain relaxes and prepares to sleep.

Similarly, Hemp Oil may aid in releasing neurotransmitters crucial for regulating our circadian cycle, hence enhancing sleep quality.

Serious Relief Hemp 0% THC Tincture

This product is designed for persons concerned about using THC due to workplace laws or other constraints.

Serious Relief + Turmeric 0 percent THC broad-spectrum hemp CBD tincture is made with a natural and organic mix of substances that aid recovery and relief from physical demands, discomfort, and everyday challenges.

This CBD tincture with MCT oil, omega-three and omega-six fatty acids, turmeric, and avocado oil promotes more focused energy, a good metabolic effect, and faster recovery, supporting healthy lifestyles, moderate to serious workout warriors, and those suffering from pains and irritation.

Will Hemp Oil Make You Sleepy


So the answer to the question is, does hemp make you tired?

It is simply No. It is nonadditive and nonsedative.

It can help people suffering from insomnia to fall asleep as it is thought to relax your mind as a disturbed mental state plays a crucial role in causing insomnia.

If you’re worrying about hemp oil being a sedative, then we hope that all your doubts are now cleared.


  1. https://www.receptranaturals.com/serious-relief-turmeric-0-thc.html
  2. https://www.newphaseblends.com/does-cbd-make-you-sleepy/
  3. https://synchronicityhempoil.com/hemp-oil-sleepy/


NEXT Are Hemp Wraps Healthier Than Blunts?


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Information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice.

You MUST consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.

Additionally, you must consult your local and federal laws regarding the legality of buying CBD and THC products.

We do not provide any legal advise.


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