CBD for Horses with Laminitis

CBD for Horses with Laminitis

CBD for Horses with Laminitis

CBD for Horses with Laminitis: How Does It Work?

The use of CBD is becoming increasingly popular among horse owners for treating injuries induced by osteoarthritis, gastric ulcers, laminitis in horses, and abdominal pain.

A limited amount of research has been conducted on CBD’s effects on horses.

However, studies on humans and animals have shown CBD’s benefits, including its anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and pain relief for horses with laminitis.

This article will talk about cannabis for horses, CBD treats for horses, and CBD horse supplements.

Also, we will try to figure out how much CBD can you give a horse?

And how long does it take for CBD to work on horses?

So, let’s get started!

Cannabis for horses- Research

The amount of research available on the effects of CBD on horses is limited, but its use stimulates the horse’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) the way CBD stimulates a human’s ECS.

According to the reports, horses can tolerate the effects of CBD for chronic pain caused by laminitis and arthritis without experiencing any euphoric or negative side effects.

CBD has received very positive feedback from horse owners who have tried it for their horses.

It appears that laminitis is improving inflammatory conditions like arthritis and ulcers.

The behavior of anxious or sensitive horses is more relaxed.

The potential for alleviating metabolic conditions is very exciting.

In people with type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, CBD has reduced insulin resistance, obesity, and appetite.

However, it is still too early to tell whether leptin and insulin levels are declining.

Contrary to popular belief, CBD products derived from hemp do not contain THC.

These products comply with the regulations in place by the USEF and FEI concerning doping.

An announcement of positive results from a study was made in September 2019 to use cannabinoids.

But your horse is almost certain to fail a drug test.

You should discontinue providing CBD at least seven days before a competition since some CBD products contain traces of THC.

How much CBD for horses with laminitis can you give a horse?

Regarding CBD for horses with laminitis dosage information, be aware that no standardized CBD dosage chart has yet been approved by the FDA or any other governing veterinary authority.

Although it is generally believed that the dosage will vary depending on the weight of the horse and the condition being treated, there is consensus on how much CBD should be given.

But, before administration, horse owners should consult their veterinarian for safety and maximum effectiveness.

Horses with osteoarthritis, laminitis, lameness, anxiety, depression, colic, and gastric ulcers can benefit from CBD.

CBD can alleviate some of the symptoms of these diseases, including pain and inflammation, despite not being a cure.

For normal problems:

In addition to moderate arthritis and joint inflammation and mild pain relief, the brand recommends that regular doses (0.25 milligram for each pound of body weight) be used for stress and anxiety relief, nausea, digestion problems, and digestive issues in horses.

For severe problems:

Chronic pain in horses, severe cases of laminitis in horses, seizures, and intense anxiety in horses should be treated with very high doses (0.5 milligrams for every pound of the horse’s weight).

CBD’s desired effect can also be increased with high doses.

The brand suggests consuming CBD every eight hours to alleviate pain and inflammation.

To reduce anxiety, horse owners should give CBD to their animals 30 minutes before anxiety-provoking events, such as competitions or traveling.

CBD for Horses with Laminitis-1

How long does it take for CBD to work on horses?

CBD taken at the correct dose should be effective within five to fifteen minutes, not weeks or months.

Horses with anxiety disorders may benefit from oral doses of 20mg to 30mg, while horses suffering from pain may benefit from 50mg to 60mg.

In some cases, once-daily dosing worked fine, whereas twice-daily dosing was better in others.

There seemed to be no relationship between the horse’s size and the drug’s efficacy.

CBD for horses with laminitis:  Top 3 Picks

1. American Shaman CBD Horse Treats

Using hemp grown in the US for the oil, CBD American Shaman’s CBD horse treats have an apple flavor and are infused with high-quality CBD oil.

Horses will feel calmer after eating these CBD horse treats.

When a horse is stressed out from everyday life, offering them, peace-promoting treats will help make them feel better.

In addition to supporting healthy joints, CBD horse treats may also contribute to supporting cardiovascular health, maintaining a healthy intestinal tract, and supporting skin health.

CBD for Horses with Laminitis-2

2. Canna-Pet CBD for Horses

Hemp oil that is 100% organic and whole-plant is the basis for MaxCBD liquid products.

The product is alcohol-free, does not contain carrier oils, and is designed for mouth-to-mouth absorption.

Due to their unique formulations and delivery methods, advanced MaxCBD products offer 15 times as much hemp to the horse.

With only a few drops, MaxCBD Liquid is extremely concentrated.

One bottle of 120ml is 3600 drops.

Approximately 10-15 drops (0.5ml) every 3-4 hours should be sufficient for horses.

It is best to administer drops to your horse’s mouth directly.

During absorption, the liquid goes straight through the mouth lining.

In addition, it may be absorbed anywhere along the cheeks or gum line.

CBD for Horses with Laminitis-3

3. Innovet CBD Oil for Horses

Since hemp contains no high levels of THC, the CBD contained in this oil comes largely from hemp plants.

The majority of the THC has been removed from cannabis plants, so they are not as harmful to humans, pets, and essentially horses as they once were.

You can enjoy medical marijuana’s health benefits without experiencing its high when you purchase CBD from hemp plants.

CBD for Horses with Laminitis-4


When a horse is suffering from this condition, it may seem that a horse owner can do nothing. It is still possible to help your dear horse get better.

They can be cured and feel better in a short time frame by feeding them high-quality feed, resting enough, taking vitamins, and supplementing with CBD oil.

The best way to ensure that your horse will recover from this condition and get better fast is to give it this natural healing supplement along with advice and guidance from your trusted veterinarian.


  1.  https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/postersatthecapitol/2020/Murray/4/
  2.  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1558787821001258
  3.  https://equinewellnessmagazine.com/cbd-horses/
  4. https://www.calyxwellness.co/blog/pets/cbd-for-horses/
  5. https://www.veterinarians.org/cbd-oil-for-horses/


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Information provided on the site is for educational purposes only, and does not substitute for professional medical advice.

You MUST consult a medical professional or healthcare provider if seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.

Additionally, you must consult your local and federal laws regarding the legality of buying CBD and THC products.

We do not provide any legal advise.


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